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1 year of weekly blogging: How did it go for me?

Writer: Priyanka AgarwalPriyanka Agarwal

Updated: Jan 9, 2022

Plus, blogging plans for 2022

One of my New Year resolutions for 2021 was to publish a blog post every week for at least the entire year.

I feel proud to declare that I’ve successfully completed my resolution!

Despite several challenges, I was able to keep my resolve and bring you a blog post every week.

So, how did it go for me?

Did I earn anything from my blogging?

Did I win an award for it?

Did I make my book PiKu & ViRu a million-dollar bestseller through those shameless plug-ins? (Buy/download, read, and review it here; it’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited! There I go again 😂)

The answers are obviously ‘No’ for the last three questions, though I did bag some gigs and sell a few copies of my book on the strength of my regular blog-writing routine.

As for what I’ve learned from my weekly blogging and how it went, the answers are still the same as in this post.

TBH, a year is too narrow a timeframe to figure out what works and what doesn’t on a blog. I’ll still need another year—maybe even more—to gauge trends and patterns.

I want to thank you, dear reader, for taking out your precious time to read my posts and share them.

Blogging is a powerful tool for a writer (or any creative person or expert for that matter) to showcase their writing and views to the world.

It’s also the best way for us to provide you with updates from our professional and personal lives, keep you posted on our WIPs, give you a behind-the-scenes tour of our works, and pass on valuable resources, ideas, and tips that have worked for us.

Being regular simply helped me reach more of you over a period of time, mainly because search-engine algorithms favour routinely posting websites.

That’s why, while at the beginning of the year, I barely had around 50-100 of you visiting my blog every month, the number reached almost 300 by December!

But that’s not the point of blogging.

What blogging helped me do was exercise my writing muscles, learn skills such as SEO, become more regular with my social media posting (which isn’t the same as being more regular on social media, BTW), and just be more courageous in putting myself out there.

If I have to earn from my blog, it’ll happen when it has to.

For now, my blog also helps me record important resources, lessons, learnings, and insights, as well as document systems and processes that give potential clients a peek into my working style and mantras. Let’s just say I use my blog to cover all grounds :)

So, what’s in the pipeline for 2022? Am I going to continue with my blogging?

The answer (at least for now) is yes, though I’m not sure how long I can keep going, with my paid projects, screenwriting, and fiction work taking centre stage.

Efforts are on to schedule posts in bulk.

That’s why most of my posts won’t be so time- or effort-intensive as some from 2021.

(This means no more content calendars for now, as I cannot shirk fact-checking each of those 100+ events per month.)

Besides, given my screenwriting pursuit, I’ll be posting a lot about films and fiction. Stay tuned for these.

The content calendars may return once I have a substantial number of posts scheduled in advance, but I don’t think I’m bringing them back, as I doubt I would ever have the time to compile them.

In any case, keep an eye out for more original, unique content coming your way. Do join my mailing list on the Contact section of this website so that my posts reach you straight in your inbox.

Once again, I thank you, dear reader, for helping make this experiment a great success. This post just wouldn’t have existed without you. Do continue showering your love on my blog and book and tell your loved ones about them, too.


© 2024 by Priyanka Agarwal

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